Levelling Up in Love

2 min readOct 28, 2021

Something within me is telling me that I am constantly settling for less when it comes to love. I feel as though my body, mind, soul, and spirit has the potential to fall so deeply in love, that the love completely transforms and nourishes me. I have a lot of limiting beliefs that hold me back from embracing the fullness of romantic love, but I am hoping to break that down as time goes by.

I am worthy of love, simply for existing. I have experiences, thoughts, feelings, and energy that makes me loving, and lovable, and I just have to accept that. I do not have to perform or audition for his love — if he loves me, he will love me for the girl that I am in this current moment.

I know that have that love within myself to access, and I can create that love within the present moment… But I still have a long way to go. I desire romantic love, and I think that the love that I have within myself, for myself, is different.

I want to be loved so deeply that he chooses to commit to me without hesitation. I want to be loved so dearly, that he does everything possible to not lose me. I want to be loved in a way where I don’t come across as “too much” for my passionate love. I want to be loved so deeply, that my body, mind, and soul become his peaceful, resting place. I want to be loved so deeply that he doesn’t let me slip out of my authentic self. I want to be loved so much that he comes to me for companionship — companionship that nourishes our souls. I want to be loved, even though I know that there are parts of me that I don’t love.

I want to heal from my wounds. And I know that romantic love won’t heal my wounds entirely because it is divine love that can heal me. But I hope that the barakah of this love is able to sink deeply into my heart, and help me feel grounded and settled.

I want to get married. I want Allah’s blessing in my love life. I want the spiritual fulfillment that comes with loving someone for His Sake. I want to reap the rewards of my patience. I want to feel the decree of my Lord so strongly that it makes me a grateful servant. I pray that Allah grants me a husband who is strong, beautiful, kind, loving, easy-going, God-fearing, patient, and a possessor of traits that complement me.

